Sunday, 28 September 2008

The Credit Crunch

In light the whole credit crunch which is sweeping Britain and the USA at the moment, I have decided to start economising. Not that I live a particularly extravagant lifestyle anyway but every bit helps.

After a good rummage through my stuff, I have found a few things I am never likely to use any more PS2 games, PC games and books and have decided to list them on ebay in an attempt to earn some money.

I have booked a holiday for February and I am beginning to seriously worry about my finances with Christmas coming up before then. To make matters worse, I am going to London this weekend with my mum which will be great but not easy to refrain from spending money. I fear I may have to be physically restrained.

I am also spending time thinking of other ways to earn some extra cash. If I got off my lazy ass and put my mind to it I could probably work on some writing projects I have had on the go for a while but haven't quite finished. Maybe I could sell those.........hmmmmmm!

We shall see. Anyway, it's back to ebay in the meantime.

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